Recommended readings
In this section we have collected a number of recommended materials in Genoese and other Ligurian varieties: newspapers, magazines, prose and poetry books, content for children and texts on the history of Ligurian literature.
Newspapers and magazines
O Zinâ is a news magazine in Ligurian that comes out every Friday. Both audio and written versions are available on the website, as well as the Italian translation.
The largest print newspaper in Liguria, Il Secolo XIX, publishes a Ligurian-language page every Sunday. It can be found from all newsagents in Liguria and on the Internet.
O Stafî was a Ligurian-language monthly magazine that ran 2019-2021. It discussed culture, politics, the economy and societal issues.
Below is a list of recommended writings in Ligurian prose, which for the most part can be found both in bookshops and on the Internet.
The first book of the “Biblioteca zeneise” series: R. Zena, A bocca do lô, translated to Ligurian by F. Toso, De Ferrari, 2018.
A. Guasoni, A-i rastelli de stelle e tutti i atri racconti, De Ferrari, 2019; second volume of “Biblioteca zeneise”.
E ciù belle föe, dozze stöie di fræ Grimm contæ inta lengua da Liguria, edited by A. Acquarone and A. Roveda, De Ferrari, 2019.
Kamasutra zeneise, ò sæ e quaranta mainee de becciâ, dedicæ a-o clero da Fransa, edited by A. Acquarone, De Ferrari, 2021.
A 16th century Spanish novel, Lazarillo de Tormes, translated to Ligurian by S. Lusito, in «Cabirda», quærno n. 5, 2020.

G. Poggi (attr.) Giña de Sampedæña, à cua do F. Toso, Microart’s, 1992; Genoese novel first published on «O Balilla» in 1883.
A collection of Ligurian prose writings by G. Mangini, A-a reversa, F.lli Frilli, 2009.
A second collection of Ligurian prose and verses by G. Mangini, Abbrettio, F.lli Frilli, 2013.
The poetic production in the dialect of Carrosio of R. Benso, Ei fóe dei ferguò, Zona, 2023.
The latest collection by the poet D. Olivieri of Riva Trigoso, Fî, Zona, 2023.
Poems written between 2014 and 2019 by F. Toso, Navegante, ed. Zona, 2019.
First collection for this publisher by A. Guasoni, Vixita à Palaçio Inreâ, ed. Zona, 2018.
Collection of poems by the author B. Pedemonte, À crovî e reixe nue, ed. Zona, 2018.
Collection of poems by the author D. Caviglia, A-o de là do mâ, ed. Zona, 2017.
Collection of poems by the author A. Roveda, Rafataggi, ed. Zona, 2016.
Second collection of poems by the author A. Guasoni, Turchin, ed. Zona, 2016.

Poems by the poet from Lerici P. Bertolani, Seinâ, Einaudi, 1985.
Children’s literature
A. Roveda, La donnetta che andava alla fiera. A donnetta ch’a l’anava a-a fea, art by F. Capitelli, Egnatia, 2016.
L. Lionni, Turchinetto e Giänettin, Le Mani, 2003.
History of literature
The Council has commissioned the first anthology of Ligurian literature written in Ligurian: A. Guasoni, Antologia da lettiatua ligure.

The most complete anthology, in 7 volumes, is the one by Prof. F. Toso, La letteratura ligure in genovese e nei dialetti locali. Profilo storico e antologia, Le Mani, 2009.
S. Lusito, Anthologie de la littérature et de l’usage écrit du monégasque, preface by H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco, EGC Monaco, 2024.
The famous play by Molière adapted to Genoese by S. De Franchi, Ro mêgo per força, edited by S. Lusito, Zona, 2023.
F. Toso, Ra Cittara Zeneize. Poesie scelte, edizioni dell’Orso, 2021. Critical edition of the famous work by Gian Giacomo Cavalli (1590-1657), with notes and Italian translation.
A. Guasoni, Poesia in ligure tra Novecento e Duemila, Cofine, 2019. An anthology of 30 Ligurian authors from the last two centuries.